Probate and Administration of Estates

Estate Administration is where you manage a persons legal and tax affairs after they have passed, including all of their assets and paying any inheritance or income tax and delegating the inheritance to the estates beneficiaries.







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    What is commonly included in Probate and Administration of Estates?

    o   Arrangements for any pets

    -if not stated in the will the administrator of the state will either choose to welcome the pet/pets into their home or they will find a new owner for the pet/pets.

    o   Applying for probate

    – When applying for probate the appointed administrator will need to provide many things just to apply for probate, such as: copy of the deserved death certificate, the original last Will and testament of the deceased with any codicil, two copies of the will and a inheritance tax form.

    o   Cancelling or transferring utilities

    -As an executor it is their responsibility to tell the relevant energy supplier when someone has died and they utilities will either be closed after a final payment or they will be transferred to someone else.

    o   Completing Inheritance tax forms

    – When someone passes the administrator will need to pay the inheritance tax within six months from the date they died, this will need to be done before you apply for probate.

    o   Completing income tax for the year of death

    -The executor should contact HMRC to notify them of the deceased and the tax due will be paid by the assets of the estate by the personal representative.

    o   Distributing funds to beneficiaries

    o   Postal redirection

    – The appointed executor will need to redirect post for someone who has died by filling in a ‘special circumstances form’ and taking it to the local post office.

    o   Registering properties that are not registered

    o   Valuing assets


    When getting the estate valued the appointed administrator would need to report the estate value to HM Revenue and Customs



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